My walls are naked! I rented a uhaul and emptied my house of nearly 50 pieces of art, big and small. They’re on display (and many for sale) at this wickedly cool space in Midtown Sacramento, Space 07 Salon. Super grateful to the folks
@space07salon for giving me this opportunity to show so much of my work, including paintings of landscapes, abstracts, and of course, dogs! You can even see a piece from my college years: an eight foot wide, nude figure study done in charcoal. My grandma fell in love with this piece and for many years, proudly displayed it in the loft of her bedroom...right alongside her collection of stuffed toy sheep that she named Baabaa Walters, Meryl Sheep, Raaaambo, Ewenice, and.....oh I can’t remember the last one. Maybe it was Little Bo Sheep.
Space 07 Salon is on R street in the R street corridor next to Ace of Spades and a couple doors down from Shady Lady. It’s a great place to get awesome hair or one of their spa services. My art will be on display until the first of March, so If you’re in the area, feel free to swing into the space and check out my art. The staff and stylists are warm and welcoming!